
noun poo·phe·mism \ˈpü-fə-ˌmi-zəm\

Simple Definition of poophemism

  • : a mild or pleasant word or phrase that is used instead of one that is unpleasant or offensive when referring to the emptying of one's bowels. For example: pinching a loaf

Full Definition of poophemism

  1. : the substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive expression for one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant in regards to the process by which human waste is expelled from the body; also : the expression so substituted

poo·phe·mist \-mist\   noun
poo·phe·mis·tic \-ˈmis-tik\   adjective
poo·phe·mis·ti·cal·ly \-ti-k(ə-)lē\   adverb

Examples of poophemism in a sentence

  1. We were twenty minutes late for the movie because Todd decided it was necessary to pinch a loaf before we left.

  2. If you ever need to drop a deuce at an upscale dining establishment, use the restroom of the opposite gender so you can blame your date for clogging the toilet.

  3. The only thing worse than having to pop a squat in the woods without toilet paper is when you have to squeeze one out at a friend's house who has a hot sister.

  4. Pardon me, but would you be so kind as to direct me to the nearest lavatory? My situation is extremely urgent and I need to excrete quite profusely through my anus as soon as humanly possible.

  5. It's always best to try and loop a mud snake before going on a long road trip. No one likes having to pull over to drop a load in some nasty truck stop bathroom that hasn't been cleaned since the Eisenhower administration.

  6. Beware of day old sushi, even if it is half-price. I came down with the worst case of butt vomit ever in recorded history.

Origin of poophemism

Poophemism derives from the Greek word poophēmos, which means "poo sounds" or "potty mouth." The first part of "poophēmos" is the Greek prefix poo-, which means "poo." The second part is "phēmē," a Greek word for "speech" that is itself a derivative of the verb phanai, meaning "to speak." Among the numerous linguistic cousins of "poophemism" on the "poo-" side of the family are "poology," "poophoria," and "poothanasia"; on the "phanai" side, its kin include "prophet" and "aphasia" ("loss of the power to understand words").